The Supreme Court today denied certiorari in Johnson v. Dickenson, No. 22-389, 2023 WL 2959369 (U.S. Apr. 17, 2023), declining to review the Eleventh Circuit’s decision that incentive awards in class actions are impermissible under federal law. Johnson v. NPAS Sols., LLC, 975 F.3d 1244 (11th Cir. 2020), denial of rehearing en banc, 43 F.4th…
Full Court to Rehear Uninjured Class Member TCPA Standing Case
The en banc Eleventh Circuit announced on March 13 that it would rehear Drazen v. Pinto and vacated the panel opinion. As discussed in our post on the panel decision, the case addresses whether class members who lack Article III standing with respect to the claims asserted by the class are nonetheless permitted to receive…
Court Rejects Three-Year Time Bar for Damages Awarded under the Copyright Act
**Note: The Supreme Court affirmed the Eleventh Circuit’s judgment on May 9, 2024. You can read our legal alert about that decision here. In Nealy v. Warner Chappell Music, Inc., 2023 WL 2230267 (11th Cir. Feb. 27, 2023), the Eleventh Circuit rejected the application of a three-year “lookback” period for the purposes of awarding damages…
Prior-Precedent Rule Dictates Result in Condemnation Action
In Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC v. 18.27 Acres of Land, 59 F.4th 1158 (11th Cir. 2023), the court applied its prior-precedent rule and held that state rather than federal law provides the measure of compensation to be paid to a landowner upon a private party’s exercise of federal eminent-domain power under the federal Natural Gas…
FTC Has Power Under § 19 of the FTC Act to Freeze Assets and Impose Receivership for Violations of the Telemarketing Sales Rule
Even after the Supreme Court limited the power of the Federal Trade Commission to receive monetary relief under § 13(b) of the Federal Trade Commission Act, the FTC still has authority under § 19(b) of the FTC Act to freeze assets and impose a receivership, the Eleventh Circuit ruled in FTC v. Simple Health Plans…
Modified Chapter 11 Plan Required Re-Solicitation and Re-Voting
A modification of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy plan on the eve of the hearing on confirmation of that plan requires re-solicitation of votes and re-voting if the modification materially and adversely affects a class of claims or interests, i.e., equity holders, according to the Eleventh Circuit’s opinion in In re America-CV Station Group, Inc., 56…
What Is an Illegal Human Life Wagering Contract?
According to the Eleventh Circuit, that life insurance policy you took out on your own life with the intent to sell it to a stranger may not in fact be void as an illegal wagering contract. In Jackson National Life Insurance Co. v. Crum, 54 F.4th 1312 (11th Cir. 2022), the Eleventh Circuit adopted the…
Late-Stage Remand of State-Law Claims After Dismissal of Federal Claims Affirmed
Marida Silas brought state and federal claims, on behalf of her late husband, against the Sheriff of Broward County. The defendant removed the case to federal court, which dismissed the federal claims and set the remaining state-law claims for trial. Days before trial, the defendant moved to dismiss the remaining claims on the ground that…
Florida Prohibition on Proof of COVID Vaccination Upheld by Divided Court
A Florida statute which prohibits all businesses operating in the state from requiring customers to provide documentary proof that they are vaccinated against COVID-19 does not violate the Free Speech and Commerce Clauses of the Constitution, a sharply divided Eleventh Circuit panel held in Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. v. State Surgeon General, 2022 U.S….
Full Court Will Consider Grounds for Vacatur of International Arbitration Awards
The court will rehear en banc Corporacion AIC, SA v. Hidroelectrica Santa Rita S.A., 2022 U.S. App. LEXIS 27855 (11th Cir. Oct. 5, 2022), concerning the grounds for vacatur of an arbitration award falling under the New York Convention. As we reported here, a panel of the court affirmed a denial of a motion for…